
Pc Star Trek Timelines Hack Generator Free

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Star Trek Discover was set to take place a few years before Kirk, but seems they ignored the Trek timeline completely in this new Series! This new Trek isn't even Trek but if you want the real deal watch the old Star Trek's which has made Trek great over the years. Live Long and all that good stuff.

Answer: No-freaking-where. I'm sure it's already mentioned, but don't the years seem off? 2263 Picard and Enterprise; 2267 Sisko DS9- 2373, 110 years later, Dominion War? Weren't Picard and Sisko involved in that? Maybe a typo. Been a fan of all star trek series. Hope this discovery lives up to its high hopes. Thank you so much. Very well put together and explained. Romulans didn't refuse to use view screens. The very episode you show also has Spock state that communication between starships was far more primitive during the time of the Romulan war. Sorry retcons don't fit very well into the timeline.

Spyfall – guess who's the spy. Love this game, dunno why non-Trekkies bother commenting on this. It's great to see a platform clearly built by fans for fans. I thought the guy doing this vid sounded like Garrett Wang lol. Cool info, man! Thanks.

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